Game Booster L Gang APK icon

Game Booster L Gang APK для Android скачать бесплатно

4,6 (5)
Программы, Tools
App By:
Game Booster
v4.0.1 для Android
фев 15, 2024

Game Booster L Gang Apk is a common form of entertainment these days and as mobile gaming becomes more popular, optimizing device performance is becoming increasingly important. This is a is a great program for planning and analyzing your matches. This App takes the gaming experience to a new level with its elaborate functions.

The game performance on your mobile device is improved and optimized by a special program called Game Booster L Gang Apk. It offers various features, including the ability to quickly and efficiently troubleshoot performance issues, a ping monitor, a robust FPS tool, and real-time game performance monitoring. Additionally, it allows you to launch games easily and quickly with just one tap on the game launcher.

Game Booster L Gang APK

About Game Booster L Gang APK

Game Booster L Gang APK is an essential tool in every gamer's app collection, allowing you to optimize your Android's features for optimal performance even when playing the most demanding games. With a simple and very accessible interface and practically zero resource consumption, it is a really interesting option for increasing the power of mid-range devices.

As soon as you open the app, you will see three options. "Boost" will perform a basic optimization of system resources by closing background applications and freeing cache memory. "Ultra Boost" will kill all system processes that are not necessary for its operation, and "GFX Tools" will allow you to configure the screen resolution of your phone or tablet.

Game Booster L Gang also includes a feature that will analyze specific games and automatically optimize your device based on each game's needs.

Game Booster L Gang App

What is Game Booster L Gang APK?

Game Booster L Gang APK is a free game booster developed by GearUp Global. This mobile application is a game enhancer that speeds up and improves the performance of games on your device. It provides all the support you need to fully enjoy the game.

It helps you avoid slow gameplay by ensuring your internet connection stays strong. It can remove unwanted applications running in the background, free up disk space and RAM. Also, this platform can help prevent your device from overheating.

With global servers,Game Booster L Gang supports over 1000 games including top and popular games like Mobile Legends, Free Fire, Genshin Impact, Roblox, PUBGM and more. Here you can enjoy lag-free online gaming by enabling the zero lag mode option. Optimize your gaming settings to maximize performance. Continuously monitors your device's temperature to help detect overheating issues.

In addition, this tool allows you to view HDR images in full color and add special effects during playback. The app also has a feature that increases the frame rate or FPS to make action scenes faster and smoother. The app offers several amplification techniques tailored to your network needs, so you should enable the most effective mode for your network.

Although this game has many advantages, it also has disadvantages. One of the downsides is the frequency of ads. The more activities you do in the app, the more likely you are to receive ads. Some ads are so intrusive that it is difficult to close them even after viewing the entire ad, so you have to close and reopen the app to get rid of the annoying ad.

Game Booster L Gang APK 2024

Features of Game Booster L Gang Apk:

Awesome fps gadget.

When you want FPS, it's hard to get the timing you want. Game Booster L Gang APK to track FPS values in real-time, view hardware issues, and change settings as needed. You'll be able to analyze subjects and shape performance statistics more efficiently with the FPS panel.

Rate them at real speed.

It allows you to monitor your device's technical information while playing games. At this point, you should monitor your Internet connection and analyze operating system data for your work. The ability to manage and resolve issues in real-time can improve your gaming experience.

Video game launcher.

Thanks to this application, with just one tap, you can select your favorite games and launch them directly from the launcher. Basically repeating, you need to provide a fast pace to make the game easier.

Ping network.

Game Booster L Gang allows you to monitor ping data instantly from the top left corner of your screen. For this purpose, you need to get a letter from your customizer first.

The game controls Turbo.

Modern video games demand excellent performance because they are not rendered at high frame rates. Game Booster L Gang allows you to control and analyze the analytical data of your games in real-time, to avoid problems such as crashes, freezing, and overheating of the device.

How to Download and Install Game Booster L Gang APK on Your Android Phone?

  1. It is possible to download the APK file from a website that offers the Android app.
  2. After downloading the APK file, open the File Explorer app on your phone, go to the Downloads folder, and tap the file. If the web browser cannot open the APK file, open the File Explorer app on your phone.
  3. Please grant the app any permissions it requests. On the installer window, click the Install button.
  4. You should now be able to see the app in your list of installed apps.

Game Booster L Gang APK Download

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How important is the Game Booster L Gang Apk file?

Ans. They are mostly invisible during normal use. However, APKs drive all the downloads on your phone, so even though you may not realize it, you deal with them all the time. One of the best things about using Android is sideloading APKs from sites outside the Play Store.

Q. Does Game Booster L Gang App have a pirated version?

Ans. The app is piracy, technically, since you are only allowed to use it if you downloaded it from Google Play. There are other ambiguities. When an app is uploaded to Google Play, every developer is following Google's terms and conditions.

Q. Can we edit the Game Booster L Gang Apk file?

Ans. Using APKtool on a computer, you can decompile (and then recompile) the package and edit its files. It is essential that you understand Java and the Android and Windows file systems before editing an APK file. Only advanced users should attempt this.

Q. Can I send APK on WhatsApp?

Ans. You need to take a backup of the application you wish to send. Locate the apk file you want to send to the file manager of your smartphone. Once you have selected the app, tap on Share it via WhatsApp, then select the recipient you wish to send the file.


You should have gained some valuable insight into how easy most Android apps are to take apart from the techniques and tools presented in this article. Additionally, I hope Game Booster L Gang Apk download described in this article will become an indispensable addition to your Android development toolkit as it will provide insight into your production APKs, making your app list better.

Скачать Game Booster L Gang APK находится в категории Tools и был разработан Game Booster's. Средний рейтинг на нашем сайте 4,6 из 5 звезд. Тем не менее, это приложение оценено 4 из 5 звезд в соответствии с различными рейтинговыми платформами. Вы также можете ответить на Game Booster L Gang APK на нашем веб-сайте, чтобы наши пользователи могли получить лучшее представление о приложении. Если вы хотите узнать больше об Game Booster L Gang APK, вы можете посетить официальный сайт разработчика для получения дополнительной информации. Средняя оценка оценена 9622 пользователями. Приложение было оценено 1 звездой 8 пользователями и 5 звездочек 6405 пользователями. Приложение было загружено как минимум 7890 раза, но количество скачиваний может достигать 157800. Загрузите Game Booster L Gang APK Если вам нужно бесплатное приложение для вашего устройства Action, но вам нужна версия Android 5.2+ или выше, чтобы установить это приложение.

Что нового

  • Ad Free
  • No lag
  • New version Updated
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Package name com.burakgon.gamebooster3
MD5 chfgtwutdfy6w
SHA1 cfgxes45r6fxdfseruyg
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Приложение было выпущено на фев 15, 2024 и с тех пор доступно на ApkNoma. Текущая версия - v4.0.1, и с тех пор она была загружена более чем 13741 раз с нашей платформы. Приложение доступно на английском и 15 других языках с полной версией, которую вы скачаете. Скачайте APK и откройте его с вашим любимым файловым менеджером. Нажмите на имя файла для установки. Если установка не начинается, вам необходимо включить неизвестные источники в настройках Android. Приложение было обновлено на МММ дд, гггг. Если вы хотите написать отзыв, установите это приложение и оцените его на нашем сайте. Загрузка осуществляется так же быстро, как и наша скорость, и мы бесплатно предоставляем прямые ссылки на все доступные версии Game Booster L Gang APK. Обратите внимание, что мы предоставляем как базовые, так и чистые файлы APK, а также повышаем скорость загрузки для Game Booster L Gang APK. Вы также можете скачать Game Booster L Gang APK APK и запустить его с помощью популярных эмуляторов Android.

Обновлено до версии v4.0.1!